Racism Has No Place in Our City or Our Country

Images from the #peoplelessprotest organized at Centennial Square by Victoria Youth of Colour.

The events of the last several days south of the border have sparked difficult and important conversations, as once again the systemic racism in American society is revealed. Racism does not stop at the border. These are also conversations we need to have here in Victoria. Racism has no place in our city or our country.

I acknowledge that many Indigenous people and people of colour in our community are hurting right now. For those of us with privilege, we need to step up as allies and condemn racism in all its forms.

Two former City of Victoria Youth Poet Laureates have taken a leadership role in our community over the past few days, organizing peaceful protests and a vigil for George Floyd. I’d like to thank them for their courage.

Condemning racism and building understanding requires more than words, it requires action. That’s why the City is:

  • Developing an Equity Framework
  • Taking an Indigenous-led approach to reconciliation through the City Family
  • Convening the Reconciliation Dialogues to build understanding and work towards decolonization
  • Undertaking a Welcoming City Project to ensure that City Hall and the City of Victoria are safe and welcoming to people from around the world
  • Actively working with communities of colour on issues that they have identified as important to them

We are all still learning. There is more work to do. We can all do better. And we must do better. Each of us must stand up and call out racism of any sort, anywhere, and anytime, each and every time we witness it. We must have those hard conversations. We must truly listen when people share their experiences of racism in Victoria. Victoria is not immune. And we must continue to act as a City Council, and as residents and business owners to take action against racism in our community, in all its forms.




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